Tag Archives: Machine Learning

Getting It Right vs Getting It Done

With all the hype around machine learning, I occasionally get asked if it could be used to make predictions for particle colliders, like the LHC.

Physicists do use machine learning these days, to be clear. There are tricks and heuristics, ways to quickly classify different particle collisions and speed up computation. But if you’re imagining something that replaces particle physics calculations entirely, or even replace the LHC itself, then you’re misunderstanding what particle physics calculations are for.

Why do physicists try to predict the results of particle collisions? Why not just observe what happens?

Physicists make predictions not in order to know what will happen in advance, but to compare those predictions to experimental results. If the predictions match the experiments, that supports existing theories like the Standard Model. If they don’t, then a new theory might be needed.

Those predictions certainly don’t need to be made by humans: most of the calculations are done by computers anyway. And they don’t need to be perfectly accurate: in particle physics, every calculation is an approximation. But the approximations used in particle physics are controlled approximations. Physicists keep track of what assumptions they make, and how they might go wrong. That’s not something you can typically do in machine learning, where you might train a neural network with millions of parameters. The whole point is to be able to check experiments against a known theory, and we can’t do that if we don’t know whether our calculation actually respects the theory.

That difference, between caring about the result and caring about how you got there, is a useful guide. If you want to predict how a protein folds in order to understand what it does in a cell, then you will find AlphaFold useful. If you want to confirm your theory of how protein folding happens, it will be less useful.

Some industries just want the final result, and can benefit from machine learning. If you want to know what your customers will buy, or which suppliers are cheating you, or whether your warehouse is moldy, then machine learning can be really helpful.

Other industries are trying, like particle physicists, to confirm that a theory is true. If you’re running a clinical trial, you want to be crystal clear about how the trial data turn into statistics. You, and the regulators, care about how you got there, not just about what answer you got. The same can be true for banks: if laws tell you you aren’t allowed to discriminate against certain kinds of customers for loans, you need to use a method where you know what traits you’re actually discriminating against.

So will physicists use machine learning? Yes, and more of it over time. But will they use it to replace normal calculations, or replace the LHC? No, that would be missing the point.

Generalizing a Black Box Theory

In physics and in machine learning, we have different ways of thinking about models.

A model in physics, like the Standard Model, is a tool to make predictions. Using statistics and a whole lot of data (from particle physics experiments), we fix the model’s free parameters (like the mass of the Higgs boson). The model then lets us predict what we’ll see next: when we turn on the Large Hadron Collider, what will the data look like? In physics, when a model works well, we think that model is true, that it describes the real way the world works. The Standard Model isn’t the ultimate truth: we expect that a better model exists that makes better predictions. But it is still true, in an in-between kind of way. There really are Higgs bosons, even if they’re a result of some more mysterious process underneath, just like there really are atoms, even if they’re made out of protons, neutrons, and electrons.

A model in machine learning, like the Large Language Model that fuels ChatGPT, is also a tool to make predictions. Using statistics and a whole lot of data (from text on the internet, or images, or databases of proteins, or games of chess…) we fix the model’s free parameters (called weights, numbers for the strengths of connections between metaphorical neurons). The model then lets us predict what we’ll see next: when a text begins “Q: How do I report a stolen card? A:”, how does it end?

So far, that sounds a lot like physics. But in machine learning, we don’t generally think these models are true, at least not in the same way. The thing producing language isn’t really a neural network like a Large Language Model. It’s the sum of many human brains, many internet users, spread over many different circumstances. Each brain might be sort of like a neural network, but they’re not like the neural networks sitting on OpenAI’s servers. A Large Language Model isn’t true in some in-between kind of way, like atoms or Higgs bosons. It just isn’t true. It’s a black box, a machine that makes predictions, and nothing more.

But here’s the rub: what do we mean by true?

I want to be a pragmatist here. I don’t want to get stuck in a philosophical rabbit-hole, arguing with metaphysicists about what “really exists”. A true theory should be one that makes good predictions, that lets each of us know, based on our actions, what we should expect to see. That’s why science leads to technology, why governments and companies pay people to do it: because the truth lets us know what will happen, and make better choices. So if Large Language Models and the Standard Model both make good predictions, why is only one of them true?

Recently, I saw Dan Elton of More is Different make the point that there is a practical reason to prefer the “true” explanations: they generalize. A Large Language Model might predict what words come next in a text. But it doesn’t predict what happens when you crack someone’s brain open and see how the neurons connect to each other, even if that person is the one who made the text. A good explanation, a true model, can be used elsewhere. The Standard Model tells you what data from the Large Hadron Collider will look like, but it also tells you what data from the muon g-2 experiment will look like. It also, in principle, tells you things far away from particle physics: what stars look like, what atoms look like, what the inside of a nuclear reactor looks like. A black box can’t do that, even if it makes great predictions.

It’s a good point. But thinking about it, I realized things are a little murkier.

You can’t generalize a Large Language Model to tell you how human neurons are connected. But you can generalize it in other ways, and people do. There’s a huge industry in trying to figure out what GPT and its relatives “know”. How much math can they do? How much do they know about geography? Can they predict the future?

These generalizations don’t work the way that they do in physics, or the rest of science, though. When we generalize the Standard Model, we aren’t taking a machine that makes particle physics predictions and trying to see what those particle physics predictions can tell us. We’re taking something “inside” the machine, the fields and particles, and generalizing that, seeing how the things around us could be made of those fields and those particles. In contrast, when people generalize GPT, they typically don’t look inside the “black box”. They use the Large Language Model to make predictions, and see what those predictions “know about”.

On the other hand, we do sometimes generalize scientific models that way too.

If you’re simulating the climate, or a baby star, or a colony of bacteria, you typically aren’t using your simulation like a prediction machine. You don’t plug in exactly what is going on in reality, then ask what happens next. Instead, you run many simulations with different conditions, and look for patterns. You see how a cloud of sulfur might cool down the Earth, or how baby stars often form in groups, leading them to grow up into systems of orbiting black holes. Your simulation is kind of like a black box, one that you try out in different ways until you uncover some explainable principle, something your simulation “knows” that you can generalize.

And isn’t nature that kind of black box, too? When we do an experiment, aren’t we just doing what the Large Language Models are doing, prompting the black box in different ways to get an idea of what it knows? Are scientists who do experiments that picky about finding out what’s “really going on”, or do they just want a model that works?

We want our models to be general, and to be usable. Building a black box can’t be the whole story, because a black box, by itself, isn’t general. But it can certainly be part of the story. Going from the black box of nature to the black box of a machine lets you run tests you couldn’t previously do, lets you investigate faster and ask stranger questions. With a simulation, you can blow up stars. With a Large Language Model, you can ask, for a million social media comments, whether the average internet user would call them positive or negative. And if you make sure to generalize, and try to make better decisions, then it won’t be just the machine learning. You’ll be learning too.

Valentine’s Day Physics Poem 2024

It’s that time of year again! In one of this blog’s yearly traditions, I’m posting a poem mixing physics and romance. For those who’d like to see more, you can find past years’ poems here.

Modeling Together

Together, we set out to model the world, and learn something new.

The Physicist said,
“My model is simple, the model of fundamental things. Particles go in, particles go out. For each configuration, a probability. For each calculation, an approximation. I can see the path, clear as day. I just need to fix the parameters.”

The Engineer responded,
“I will trust you, because you are a Physicist. You dream of greater things, and have given me marvels. But my models are the models of everything else. Their parameters are countless as waves of the ocean, and all complex things are their purview. Their only path is to learn, and learn more, and see where learning takes you.”

The Physicist followed his model, and the Engineer followed along. With their money and sweat, cajoling and wheedling, they built a grand machine, all to the Physicist’s specifications. And according to the Physicist’s path, parameters begun to be fixed.

But something was missing.

The Engineer asked,
“What are we learning, following your path? We have spent and spent, but all I see is your machine. What marvels will it give us? What children will it feed?”

The Physicist considered, and said,
“You must wait for the marvels, and wait for the learning. New things take time. But my path is clear, my model is the only choice.”

The Engineer, with patience, responded,
“I will trust you, because you are a Physicist, and know the laws of your world. But my models are the models of everything else, and there is always another choice.”

Months went by, and they fed more to the machine. More energy, more time, more insight, more passion. Parameters tightened, and they hoped for marvels.

And they learned, one by one, that the marvels would not come. The machine would not spare them toil, would not fill the Engineer’s pockets or feed the starving, would not fill the world with art and mystery and value.

And the Engineer asked,
“Without these marvels, must we keep following your path? Should we not go out into the world, and learn another?”

And the Physicist thought, and answered,
“You must wait a little longer. For my model is the only model I have known, the only path I know to follow, and I am loathe to abandon it.”

And the Engineer, generously, responded,
“I will trust you, because you are a Physicist, down to the bone. But my models are the models of everything else, of chattering voices and adaptable answers. And you can always learn another path.”

More months went by. The machine gave less and less, and took more and more for the giving. Energy was dear, and time more so, and the waiting was its own kind of emptiness.

The Engineer, silently, looked to the Physicist.

The Physicist said,
“I will trust you. Because you are an Engineer, yes, and your models are the models of everything else. And because, through these months, you have trusted me. I am ready to learn, and learn more, and try something new. Let us try a new model, and see where it leads.”

The simplest model says that one and one is two, and two is greater. We are billions of parameters, and can miss the simple things. But time,
                                                           And learning,
Can fix parameters,
And us.

Models, Large Language and Otherwise

In particle physics, our best model goes under the unimaginative name “Standard Model“. The Standard Model models the world in terms of interactions of different particles, or more properly quantum fields. The fields have different masses and interact with different strengths, and each mass and interaction strength is a parameter: a “free” number in the model, one we have to fix based on data. There are nineteen parameters in the Standard Model (not counting the parameters for massive neutrinos, which were discovered later).

In principle, we could propose a model with more parameters that fit the data better. With enough parameters, one can fit almost anything. That’s cheating, though, and it’s a type of cheating we know how to catch. We have statistical tests that let us estimate how impressed we should be when a model matches the data. If a model is just getting ahead on extra parameters without capturing something real, we can spot that, because it gets a worse score on those tests. A model with a bad score might match the data you used to fix its parameters, but it won’t predict future data, so it isn’t actually useful. Right now the Standard Model (plus neutrino masses) gets the best score on those tests, when fitted to all the data we have access to, so we think of it as our best and most useful model. If someone proposed a model that got a better score, we’d switch: but so far, no-one has managed.

Physicists care about this not just because a good model is useful. We think that the best model is, in some sense, how things really work. The fact that the Standard Model fits the data best doesn’t just mean we can use it to predict more data in the future: it means that somehow, deep down, that the world is made up of quantum fields the way the Standard Model describes.

If you’ve been following developments in machine learning, or AI, you might have heard the word “model” slung around. For example, GPT is a Large Language Model, or LLM for short.

Large Language Models are more like the Standard Model than you might think. Just as the Standard Model models the world in terms of interacting quantum fields, Large Language Models model the world in terms of a network of connections between artificial “neurons”. Just as particles have different interaction strengths, pairs of neurons have different connection weights. Those connection weights are the parameters of a Large Language Model, in the same way that the masses and interaction strengths of particles are the parameters of the Standard Model. The parameters for a Large Language Model are fixed by a giant corpus of text data, almost the whole internet reduced to a string of bytes that the LLM needs to match, in the same way the Standard Model needs to match data from particle collider experiments. The Standard Model has nineteen parameters, Large Language Models have billions.

Increasingly, machine learning models seem to capture things better than other types of models. If you want to know how a protein is going to fold, you can try to make a simplified model of how its atoms and molecules interact with each other…but instead, you can make your model a neural network. And that turns out to work better. If you’re a bank and you want to know how many of your clients will default on their loans, you could ask an economist to make a macroeconomic model…or, you can just make your model a neural network too.

In physics, we think that the best model is the model that is closest to reality. Clearly, though, this can’t be what’s going on here. Real proteins don’t fold based on neural networks, and neither do real economies. Both economies and folding proteins are very complicated, so any model we can use right now won’t be what’s “really going on”, unlike the comparatively simple world of particle physics. Still, it seems weird that, compared to the simplified economic or chemical models, neural networks can work better, even if they’re very obviously not really what’s going on. Is there another way to think about them?

I used to get annoyed at people using the word “AI” to refer to machine learning models. In my mind, AI was the thing that shows up in science fiction, machines that can think as well or better than humans. (The actual term of art for this is AGI, artificial general intelligence.) Machine learning, and LLMs in particular, felt like a meaningful step towards that kind of AI, but they clearly aren’t there yet.

Since then, I’ve been convinced that the term isn’t quite so annoying. The AI field isn’t called AI because they’re creating a human-equivalent sci-fi intelligence. They’re called AI because the things they build are inspired by how human intelligence works.

As humans, we model things with mathematics, but we also model them with our own brains. Consciously, we might think about objects and their places in space, about people and their motivations and actions, about canonical texts and their contents. But all of those things cash out in our neurons. Anything we think, anything we believe, any model we can actually apply by ourselves in our own lives, is a model embedded in a neural network. It’s quite a bit more complicated neural network than an LLM, but it’s very much still a kind of neural network.

Because humans are alright at modeling a variety of things, because we can see and navigate the world and persuade and manipulate each other, we know that neural networks can do these things. A human brain may not be the best model for any given phenomenon: an engineer can model the flight of a baseball with math much better than the best baseball player can with their unaided brain. But human brains still tend to be fairly good models for a wide variety of things. Evolution has selected them to be.

So with that in mind, it shouldn’t be too surprising that neural networks can model things like protein folding. Even if proteins don’t fold based on neural networks, even if the success of AlphaFold isn’t capturing the actual details of the real world the way the Standard Model does, the model is capturing something. It’s loosely capturing the way a human would think about the problem, if you gave that human all the data they needed. And humans are, and remain, pretty good at thinking! So we have reason, not rigorous, but at least intuitive reason, to think that neural networks will actually be good models of things.

AI Is the Wrong Sci-Fi Metaphor

Over the last year, some people felt like they were living in a science fiction novel. Last November, the research laboratory OpenAI released ChatGPT, a program that can answer questions on a wide variety of topics. Last month, they announced GPT-4, a more powerful version of ChatGPT’s underlying program. Already in February, Microsoft used GPT-4 to add a chatbot feature to its search engine Bing, which journalists quickly managed to use to spin tales of murder and mayhem.

For those who have been following these developments, things don’t feel quite so sudden. Already in 2019, AI Dungeon showed off how an early version of GPT could be used to mimic an old-school text-adventure game, and a tumblr blogger built a bot that imitates his posts as a fun side project. Still, the newer programs have shown some impressive capabilities.

Are we close to “real AI”, to artificial minds like the positronic brains in Isaac Asimov’s I, Robot? I can’t say, in part because I’m not sure what “real AI” really means. But if you want to understand where things like ChatGPT come from, how they work and why they can do what they do, then all the talk of AI won’t be helpful. Instead, you need to think of an entirely different set of Asimov novels: the Foundation series.

While Asimov’s more famous I, Robot focused on the science of artificial minds, the Foundation series is based on a different fictional science, the science of psychohistory. In the stories, psychohistory is a kind of futuristic social science. In the real world, historians and sociologists can find general principles of how people act, but don’t yet have the kind of predictive theories physicists or chemists do. Foundation imagines a future where powerful statistical methods have allowed psychohistorians to precisely predict human behavior: not yet that of individual people, but at least the average behavior of civilizations. They can not only guess when an empire is soon to fall, but calculate how long it will be before another empire rises, something few responsible social scientists would pretend to do today.

GPT and similar programs aren’t built to predict the course of history, but they do predict something: given part of a text, they try to predict the rest. They’re called Large Language Models, or LLMs for short. They’re “models” in the sense of mathematical models, formulas that let us use data to make predictions about the world, and the part of the world they model is our use of language.

Normally, a mathematical model is designed based on how we think the real world works. A mathematical model of a pandemic, for example, might use a list of people, each one labeled as infected or not. It could include an unknown number, called a parameter, for the chance that one person infects another. That parameter would then be filled in, or fixed, based on observations of the pandemic in the real world.

LLMs (as well as most of the rest of what people call “AI” these days) are a bit different. Their models aren’t based on what we expect about the real world. Instead, they’re in some sense “generic”, models that could in principle describe just about anything. In order to make this work, they have a lot more parameters, tons and tons of flexible numbers that can get fixed in different ways based on data.

(If that part makes you a bit uncomfortable, it bothers me too, though I’ve mostly made my peace with it.)

The surprising thing is that this works, and works surprisingly well. Just as psychohistory from the Foundation novels can predict events with much more detail than today’s historians and sociologists, LLMs can predict what a text will look like much more precisely than today’s literature professors. That isn’t necessarily because LLMs are “intelligent”, or because they’re “copying” things people have written. It’s because they’re mathematical models, built by statistically analyzing a giant pile of texts.

Just as Asimov’s psychohistory can’t predict the behavior of individual people, LLMs can’t predict the behavior of individual texts. If you start writing something, you shouldn’t expect an LLM to predict exactly how you would finish. Instead, LLMs predict what, on average, the rest of the text would look like. They give a plausible answer, one of many, for what might come next.

They can’t do that perfectly, but doing it imperfectly is enough to do quite a lot. It’s why they can be used to make chatbots, by predicting how someone might plausibly respond in a conversation. It’s why they can write fiction, or ads, or college essays, by predicting a plausible response to a book jacket or ad copy or essay prompt.

LLMs like GPT were invented by computer scientists, not social scientists or literature professors. Because of that, they get described as part of progress towards artificial intelligence, not as progress in social science. But if you want to understand what ChatGPT is right now, and how it works, then that perspective won’t be helpful. You need to put down your copy of I, Robot and pick up Foundation. You’ll still be impressed, but you’ll have a clearer idea of what could come next.

Machine Learning, Occam’s Razor, and Fundamental Physics

There’s a saying in physics, attributed to the famous genius John von Neumann: “With four parameters I can fit an elephant, and with five I can make him wiggle his trunk.”

Say you want to model something, like some surprising data from a particle collider. You start with some free parameters: numbers in your model that aren’t decided yet. You then decide those numbers, “fixing” them based on the data you want to model. Your goal is for your model not only to match the data, but to predict something you haven’t yet measured. Then you can go out and check, and see if your model works.

The more free parameters you have in your model, the easier this can go wrong. More free parameters make it easier to fit your data, but that’s because they make it easier to fit any data. Your model ends up not just matching the physics, but matching the mistakes as well: the small errors that crop up in any experiment. A model like that may look like it’s a great fit to the data, but its predictions will almost all be wrong. It wasn’t just fit, it was overfit.

We have statistical tools that tell us when to worry about overfitting, when we should be impressed by a model and when it has too many parameters. We don’t actually use these tools correctly, but they still give us a hint of what we actually want to know, namely, whether our model will make the right predictions. In a sense, these tools form the mathematical basis for Occam’s Razor, the idea that the best explanation is often the simplest one, and Occam’s Razor is a critical part of how we do science.

So, did you know machine learning was just modeling data?

All of the much-hyped recent advances in artificial intelligence, GPT and Stable Diffusion and all those folks, at heart they’re all doing this kind of thing. They start out with a model (with a lot more than five parameters, arranged in complicated layers…), then use data to fix the free parameters. Unlike most of the models physicists use, they can’t perfectly fix these numbers: there are too many of them, so they have to approximate. They then test their model on new data, and hope it still works.

Increasingly, it does, and impressively well, so well that the average person probably doesn’t realize this is what it’s doing. When you ask one of these AIs to make an image for you, what you’re doing is asking what image the model predicts would show up captioned with your text. It’s the same sort of thing as asking an economist what their model predicts the unemployment rate will be when inflation goes up. The machine learning model is just way, way more complicated.

As a physicist, the first time I heard about this, I had von Neumann’s quote in the back of my head. Yes, these machines are dealing with a lot more data, from a much more complicated reality. They literally are trying to fit elephants, even elephants wiggling their trunks. Still, the sheer number of parameters seemed fishy here. And for a little bit things seemed even more fishy, when I learned about double descent.

Suppose you start increasing the number of parameters in your model. Initially, your model gets better and better. Your predictions have less and less error, your error descends. Eventually, though, the error increases again: you have too many parameters so you’re over-fitting, and your model is capturing accidents in your data, not reality.

In machine learning, weirdly, this is often not the end of the story. Sometimes, your prediction error rises, only to fall once more, in a double descent.

For a while, I found this deeply disturbing. The idea that you can fit your data, start overfitting, and then keep overfitting, and somehow end up safe in the end, was terrifying. The way some of the popular accounts described it, like you were just overfitting more and more and that was fine, was baffling, especially when they seemed to predict that you could keep adding parameters, keep fitting tinier and tinier fleas on the elephant’s trunk, and your predictions would never start going wrong. It would be the death of Occam’s Razor as we know it, more complicated explanations beating simpler ones off to infinity.

Luckily, that’s not what happens. And after talking to a bunch of people, I think I finally understand this enough to say something about it here.

The right way to think about double descent is as overfitting prematurely. You do still expect your error to eventually go up: your model won’t be perfect forever, at some point you will really overfit. It might take a long time, though: machine learning people are trying to model very complicated things, like human behavior, with giant piles of data, so very complicated models may often be entirely appropriate. In the meantime, due to a bad choice of model, you can accidentally overfit early. You will eventually overcome this, pushing past with more parameters into a model that works again, but for a little while you might convince yourself, wrongly, that you have nothing more to learn.

(You can even mitigate this by tweaking your setup, potentially avoiding the problem altogether.)

So Occam’s Razor still holds, but with a twist. The best model is simple enough, but no simpler. And if you’re not careful enough, you can convince yourself that a too-simple model is as complicated as you can get.

Image from Astral Codex Ten

I was reminded of all this recently by some articles by Sabine Hossenfelder.

Hossenfelder is a critic of mainstream fundamental physics. The articles were her restating a point she’s made many times before, including in (at least) one of her books. She thinks the people who propose new particles and try to search for them are wasting time, and the experiments motivated by those particles are wasting money. She’s motivated by something like Occam’s Razor, the need to stick to the simplest possible model that fits the evidence. In her view, the simplest models are those in which we don’t detect any more new particles any time soon, so those are the models she thinks we should stick with.

I tend to disagree with Hossenfelder. Here, I was oddly conflicted. In some of her examples, it seemed like she had a legitimate point. Others seemed like she missed the mark entirely.

Talk to most astrophysicists, and they’ll tell you dark matter is settled science. Indeed, there is a huge amount of evidence that something exists out there in the universe that we can’t see. It distorts the way galaxies rotate, lenses light with its gravity, and wiggled the early universe in pretty much the way you’d expect matter to.

What isn’t settled is whether that “something” interacts with anything else. It has to interact with gravity, of course, but everything else is in some sense “optional”. Astroparticle physicists use satellites to search for clues that dark matter has some other interactions: perhaps it is unstable, sometimes releasing tiny signals of light. If it did, it might solve other problems as well.

Hossenfelder thinks this is bunk (in part because she thinks those other problems are bunk). I kind of do too, though perhaps for a more general reason: I don’t think nature owes us an easy explanation. Dark matter isn’t obligated to solve any of our other problems, it just has to be dark matter. That seems in some sense like the simplest explanation, the one demanded by Occam’s Razor.

At the same time, I disagree with her substantially more on collider physics. At the Large Hadron Collider so far, all of the data is reasonably compatible with the Standard Model, our roughly half-century old theory of particle physics. Collider physicists search that data for subtle deviations, one of which might point to a general discrepancy, a hint of something beyond the Standard Model.

While my intuitions say that the simplest dark matter is completely dark, they don’t say that the simplest particle physics is the Standard Model. Back when the Standard Model was proposed, people might have said it was exceptionally simple because it had a property called “renormalizability”, but these days we view that as less important. Physicists like Ken Wilson and Steven Weinberg taught us to view theories as a kind of series of corrections, like a Taylor series in calculus. Each correction encodes new, rarer ways that particles can interact. A renormalizable theory is just the first term in this series. The higher terms might be zero, but they might not. We even know that some terms cannot be zero, because gravity is not renormalizable.

The two cases on the surface don’t seem that different. Dark matter might have zero interactions besides gravity, but it might have other interactions. The Standard Model might have zero corrections, but it might have nonzero corrections. But for some reason, my intuition treats the two differently: I would find it completely reasonable for dark matter to have no extra interactions, but very strange for the Standard Model to have no corrections.

I think part of where my intuition comes from here is my experience with other theories.

One example is a toy model called sine-Gordon theory. In sine-Gordon theory, this Taylor series of corrections is a very familiar Taylor series: the sine function! If you go correction by correction, you’ll see new interactions and more new interactions. But if you actually add them all up, something surprising happens. Sine-Gordon turns out to be a special theory, one with “no particle production”: unlike in normal particle physics, in sine-Gordon particles can neither be created nor destroyed. You would never know this if you did not add up all of the corrections.

String theory itself is another example. In string theory, elementary particles are replaced by strings, but you can think of that stringy behavior as a series of corrections on top of ordinary particles. Once again, you can try adding these things up correction by correction, but once again the “magic” doesn’t happen until the end. Only in the full series does string theory “do its thing”, and fix some of the big problems of quantum gravity.

If the real world really is a theory like this, then I think we have to worry about something like double descent.

Remember, double descent happens when our models can prematurely get worse before getting better. This can happen if the real thing we’re trying to model is very different from the model we’re using, like the example in this explainer that tries to use straight lines to match a curve. If we think a model is simpler because it puts fewer corrections on top of the Standard Model, then we may end up rejecting a reality with infinite corrections, a Taylor series that happens to add up to something quite nice. Occam’s Razor stops helping us if we can’t tell which models are really the simple ones.

The problem here is that every notion of “simple” we can appeal to here is aesthetic, a choice based on what makes the math look nicer. Other sciences don’t have this problem. When a biologist or a chemist wants to look for the simplest model, they look for a model with fewer organisms, fewer reactions…in the end, fewer atoms and molecules, fewer of the building-blocks given to those fields by physics. Fundamental physics can’t do this: we build our theories up from mathematics, and mathematics only demands that we be consistent. We can call theories simpler because we can write them in a simple way (but we could write them in a different way too). Or we can call them simpler because they look more like toy models we’ve worked with before (but those toy models are just a tiny sample of all the theories that are possible). We don’t have a standard of simplicity that is actually reliable.

From the Wikipedia page for dark matter halos

There is one other way out of this pickle. A theory that is easier to write down is under no obligation to be true. But it is more likely to be useful. Even if the real world is ultimately described by some giant pile of mathematical parameters, if a simple theory is good enough for the engineers then it’s a better theory to aim for: a useful theory that makes peoples’ lives better.

I kind of get the feeling Hossenfelder would make this objection. I’ve seen her argue on twitter that scientists should always be able to say what their research is good for, and her Guardian article has this suggestive sentence: “However, we do not know that dark matter is indeed made of particles; and even if it is, to explain astrophysical observations one does not need to know details of the particles’ behaviour.”

Ok yes, to explain astrophysical observations one doesn’t need to know the details of dark matter particles’ behavior. But taking a step back, one doesn’t actually need to explain astrophysical observations at all.

Astrophysics and particle physics are not engineering problems. Nobody out there is trying to steer a spacecraft all the way across a galaxy, navigating the distribution of dark matter, or creating new universes and trying to make sure they go just right. Even if we might do these things some day, it will be so far in the future that our attempts to understand them won’t just be quaint: they will likely be actively damaging, confusing old research in dead languages that the field will be better off ignoring to start from scratch.

Because of that, usefulness is also not a meaningful guide. It cannot tell you which theories are more simple, which to favor with Occam’s Razor.

Hossenfelder’s highest-profile recent work falls afoul of one or the other of her principles. Her work on the foundations of quantum mechanics could genuinely be useful, but there’s no reason aside from claims of philosophical beauty to expect it to be true. Her work on modeling dark matter is at least directly motivated by data, but is guaranteed to not be useful.

I’m not pointing this out to call Hossenfelder a hypocrite, as some sort of ad hominem or tu quoque. I’m pointing this out because I don’t think it’s possible to do fundamental physics today without falling afoul of these principles. If you want to hold out hope that your work is useful, you don’t have a great reason besides a love of pretty math: otherwise, anything useful would have been discovered long ago. If you just try to model existing data as best you can, then you’re making a model for events far away or locked in high-energy particle colliders, a model no-one else besides other physicists will ever use.

I don’t know the way through this. I think if you need to take Occam’s Razor seriously, to build on the same foundations that work in every other scientific field…then you should stop doing fundamental physics. You won’t be able to make it work. If you still need to do it, if you can’t give up the sub-field, then you should justify it on building capabilities, on the kind of “practice” Hossenfelder also dismisses in her Guardian piece.

We don’t have a solid foundation, a reliable notion of what is simple and what isn’t. We have guesses and personal opinions. And until some experiment uncovers some blinding flash of new useful meaningful magic…I don’t think we can do any better than that.