Generalizing a Black Box Theory

In physics and in machine learning, we have different ways of thinking about models.

A model in physics, like the Standard Model, is a tool to make predictions. Using statistics and a whole lot of data (from particle physics experiments), we fix the model’s free parameters (like the mass of the Higgs boson). The model then lets us predict what we’ll see next: when we turn on the Large Hadron Collider, what will the data look like? In physics, when a model works well, we think that model is true, that it describes the real way the world works. The Standard Model isn’t the ultimate truth: we expect that a better model exists that makes better predictions. But it is still true, in an in-between kind of way. There really are Higgs bosons, even if they’re a result of some more mysterious process underneath, just like there really are atoms, even if they’re made out of protons, neutrons, and electrons.

A model in machine learning, like the Large Language Model that fuels ChatGPT, is also a tool to make predictions. Using statistics and a whole lot of data (from text on the internet, or images, or databases of proteins, or games of chess…) we fix the model’s free parameters (called weights, numbers for the strengths of connections between metaphorical neurons). The model then lets us predict what we’ll see next: when a text begins “Q: How do I report a stolen card? A:”, how does it end?

So far, that sounds a lot like physics. But in machine learning, we don’t generally think these models are true, at least not in the same way. The thing producing language isn’t really a neural network like a Large Language Model. It’s the sum of many human brains, many internet users, spread over many different circumstances. Each brain might be sort of like a neural network, but they’re not like the neural networks sitting on OpenAI’s servers. A Large Language Model isn’t true in some in-between kind of way, like atoms or Higgs bosons. It just isn’t true. It’s a black box, a machine that makes predictions, and nothing more.

But here’s the rub: what do we mean by true?

I want to be a pragmatist here. I don’t want to get stuck in a philosophical rabbit-hole, arguing with metaphysicists about what “really exists”. A true theory should be one that makes good predictions, that lets each of us know, based on our actions, what we should expect to see. That’s why science leads to technology, why governments and companies pay people to do it: because the truth lets us know what will happen, and make better choices. So if Large Language Models and the Standard Model both make good predictions, why is only one of them true?

Recently, I saw Dan Elton of More is Different make the point that there is a practical reason to prefer the “true” explanations: they generalize. A Large Language Model might predict what words come next in a text. But it doesn’t predict what happens when you crack someone’s brain open and see how the neurons connect to each other, even if that person is the one who made the text. A good explanation, a true model, can be used elsewhere. The Standard Model tells you what data from the Large Hadron Collider will look like, but it also tells you what data from the muon g-2 experiment will look like. It also, in principle, tells you things far away from particle physics: what stars look like, what atoms look like, what the inside of a nuclear reactor looks like. A black box can’t do that, even if it makes great predictions.

It’s a good point. But thinking about it, I realized things are a little murkier.

You can’t generalize a Large Language Model to tell you how human neurons are connected. But you can generalize it in other ways, and people do. There’s a huge industry in trying to figure out what GPT and its relatives “know”. How much math can they do? How much do they know about geography? Can they predict the future?

These generalizations don’t work the way that they do in physics, or the rest of science, though. When we generalize the Standard Model, we aren’t taking a machine that makes particle physics predictions and trying to see what those particle physics predictions can tell us. We’re taking something “inside” the machine, the fields and particles, and generalizing that, seeing how the things around us could be made of those fields and those particles. In contrast, when people generalize GPT, they typically don’t look inside the “black box”. They use the Large Language Model to make predictions, and see what those predictions “know about”.

On the other hand, we do sometimes generalize scientific models that way too.

If you’re simulating the climate, or a baby star, or a colony of bacteria, you typically aren’t using your simulation like a prediction machine. You don’t plug in exactly what is going on in reality, then ask what happens next. Instead, you run many simulations with different conditions, and look for patterns. You see how a cloud of sulfur might cool down the Earth, or how baby stars often form in groups, leading them to grow up into systems of orbiting black holes. Your simulation is kind of like a black box, one that you try out in different ways until you uncover some explainable principle, something your simulation “knows” that you can generalize.

And isn’t nature that kind of black box, too? When we do an experiment, aren’t we just doing what the Large Language Models are doing, prompting the black box in different ways to get an idea of what it knows? Are scientists who do experiments that picky about finding out what’s “really going on”, or do they just want a model that works?

We want our models to be general, and to be usable. Building a black box can’t be the whole story, because a black box, by itself, isn’t general. But it can certainly be part of the story. Going from the black box of nature to the black box of a machine lets you run tests you couldn’t previously do, lets you investigate faster and ask stranger questions. With a simulation, you can blow up stars. With a Large Language Model, you can ask, for a million social media comments, whether the average internet user would call them positive or negative. And if you make sure to generalize, and try to make better decisions, then it won’t be just the machine learning. You’ll be learning too.

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