The Hidden Higgs

Peter Higgs, the theoretical physicist whose name graces the Higgs boson, died this week.

Peter Higgs, after the Higgs boson discovery was confirmed

This post isn’t an obituary: you can find plenty of those online, and I don’t have anything special to say that others haven’t. Reading the obituaries, you’ll notice they summarize Higgs’s contribution in different ways. Higgs was one of the people who proposed what today is known as the Higgs mechanism, the principle by which most (perhaps all) elementary particles gain their mass. He wasn’t the only one: Robert Brout and François Englert proposed essentially the same idea in a paper that was published two months earlier, in August 1964. Two other teams came up with the idea slightly later than that: Gerald Guralnik, Carl Richard Hagen, and Tom Kibble were published one month after Higgs, while Alexander Migdal and Alexander Polyakov found the idea independently in 1965 but couldn’t get it published till 1966.

Higgs did, however, do something that Brout and Englert didn’t. His paper doesn’t just propose a mechanism, involving a field which gives particles mass. It also proposes a particle one could discover as a result. Read the more detailed obituaries, and you’ll discover that this particle was not in the original paper: Higgs’s paper was rejected at first, and he added the discussion of the particle to make it more interesting.

At this point, I bet some of you are wondering what the big deal was. You’ve heard me say that particles are ripples in quantum fields. So shouldn’t we expect every field to have a particle?

Tell that to the other three Higgs bosons.

Electromagnetism has one type of charge, with two signs: plus, and minus. There are electrons, with negative charge, and their anti-particles, positrons, with positive charge.

Quarks have three types of charge, called colors: red, green, and blue. Each of these also has two “signs”: red and anti-red, green and anti-green, and blue and anti-blue. So for each type of quark (like an up quark), there are six different versions: red, green, and blue, and anti-quarks with anti-red, anti-green, and anti-blue.

Diagram of the colors of quarks

When we talk about quarks, we say that the force under which they are charged, the strong nuclear force, is an “SU(3)” force. The “S” and “U” there are shorthand for mathematical properties that are a bit too complicated to explain here, but the “(3)” is quite simple: it means there are three colors.

The Higgs boson’s primary role is to make the weak nuclear force weak, by making the particles that carry it from place to place massive. (That way, it takes too much energy for them to go anywhere, a feeling I think we can all relate to.) The weak nuclear force is an “SU(2)” force. So there should be two “colors” of particles that interact with the weak nuclear force…which includes Higgs bosons. For each, there should also be an anti-color, just like the quarks had anti-red, anti-green, and anti-blue. So we need two “colors” of Higgs bosons, and two “anti-colors”, for a total of four!

But the Higgs boson discovered at the LHC was a neutral particle. It didn’t have any electric charge, or any color. There was only one, not four. So what happened to the other three Higgs bosons?

The real answer is subtle, one of those physics things that’s tricky to concisely explain. But a partial answer is that they’re indistinguishable from the W and Z bosons.

Normally, the fundamental forces have transverse waves, with two polarizations. Light can wiggle along its path back and forth, or up and down, but it can’t wiggle forward and backward. A fundamental force with massive particles is different, because they can have longitudinal waves: they have an extra direction in which they can wiggle. There are two W bosons (plus and minus) and one Z boson, and they all get one more polarization when they become massive due to the Higgs.

That’s three new ways the W and Z bosons can wiggle. That’s the same number as the number of Higgs bosons that went away, and that’s no coincidence. We physicist like to say that the W and Z bosons “ate” the extra Higgs, which is evocative but may sound mysterious. Instead, you can think of it as the two wiggles being secretly the same, mixing together in a way that makes them impossible to tell apart.

The “count”, of how many wiggles exist, stays the same. You start with four Higgs wiggles, and two wiggles each for the precursors of the W+, W-, and Z bosons, giving ten. You end up with one Higgs wiggle, and three wiggles each for the W+, W-, and Z bosons, which still adds up to ten. But which fields match with which wiggles, and thus which particles we can detect, changes. It takes some thought to look at the whole system and figure out, for each field, what kind of particle you might find.

Higgs did that work. And now, we call it the Higgs boson.

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